Thursday 14 March 2013

Landing a Man?

I still hear so many ladies out there talking about "I can't land a man". There are MILLIONS of great single men still out there in this world.

I'm going to get real and tell you why you're not meeting men of substance:

  • Your checklist - must have this, can't have that... PEOPLE AREN'T PRODUCTS! Finding an awesome man isn't like going shopping for a car! People change, grow, morph. AND people aren't perfect! We all have idiosyncrasies and faults. Let go of the checklist, and find yourself first, because when you know and trust yourself, you can allow great people into your life, as they are

  • Great men are found, not made! - Great men are already great! If you're finding yourself constantly having to "fix" a man into being a good one, then ask yourself "Does my $h!t stink?". If the answer is YES (and it always will be), then who are you to decide what GOOD is?! Maybe he's just not a good fit for you, but he is absolutely perfect for someone else. Go find someone else! 
and on that note, since we're talking about finding:
  • OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! Great men are EVERYWHERE! Maybe he's not tall, dark and handsome, or making 5 million a year... But I bet you that short, stalky and kind-hearted man would love you 'til the cows come home! Stop rejecting a man just because he's not someone else's standard of beauty! If you find him handsome, and love his company, then what does it matter what anyone else thinks of him?!!! Sorry ladies, even the judgement of your best girlfriends doesn't matter here... :)
If you missed my post about the bad boyfriend poker thing, you can see that I feel media helps to perpetuate BOTH the low self-esteem of women, AND the emotionally constipated behaviors of men. It won't change until WE stop buying in to this nonsense.

Who's with me? Would love your comments and feedback on this one. :)

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