Tuesday 5 March 2013

Q 2 You : Sharing In Nastiness?

Hello my Honourable Readers:

When you see this question mark, it's me requesting you to respond to a question I pose to you.

I'm hoping (because I see that many of you return - YOU ROCK!!!) that you'll indulge me, and let me know your thoughts on the issues I pose... After all, no one likes a one-sided conversation :).

Here's the question for today:

Q: Why is it that people (in general, of course) are so quick to share rumours, gossip of the stars, catfight videos, watch rivalry tv shows (like the bachelor and such) or links that diminish someone else?

Help me out here folks. I'd like to hear any of your theories! :) Sincerest thanks for your help :)


  1. People don't want to deal with their own reality so they enjoy or laugh at someone else's ie celebrity blogs, reality shows, etc.

    1. For diversion.... makes so much sense. It's also easier to watch someone else's mess than working at cleaning up your own... Thanks for the insight! Sooo apreciated Jasmine :).


Thank you for your feedback. Please accept my heart-felt gratitude for being a part of my work, my life, and my journey :).
