Tuesday 5 March 2013

Will Money Solve the Problem?

I seem to be meeting tons of people these days who are sticking to jobs they hate, because they have a fear of becoming penniless, losing their investments, and just plain becoming homeless.

Well, here are some pieces of truth that might be a catalyst to you considering the million other possibilities for the rest of your life:

  • There is No Such Thing as True Security!!! - Life itself is a blessing, and it is by no means guaranteed... So why are you living each day as if you're entitled to tomorrow? This is not to say that you should become reckless, forget about saving money, or living carelessly. All it means is that you don't wait for that extra dollar, that perfect job, before you start appreciating the life you have... right now.

  • Happiness is in the NOW - Do you overlook life's small blessings like getting that green light, having a door being opened for you, or hearing the laughter of a child? If you're so busy trying to "get somewhere" that you miss the countless, priceless blessings in your path every day, the truth is happiness will always elude you. Be thankful for health if you have it, breath if you have it, a job if you have it, a house if you have it, friends if you have them, and family if you have them. These are basics to having an abundant life. 

  • There is wealth in moments - You know, like getting a call from a friend you haven't seen in months. In sitting down with your loved ones to a potluck meal. In experiencing the embrace of your partner. In having someone you work with say "thank you". When you shift the focus of your wealth from the accumulation of goods to the accumulation of beautiful, simple moments, you find that you don't need those "things", and no need to overconsume "stuff". 
I watch every day as I'm out in the city, how many people look down at the ground, instead of looking up and being in awe of the fact that we get to see a beautiful sky each and every day (no matter if its white, grey, orange, black or blue).

What do you see each day when you face the world? And how does this effect your view of what money can do for you?

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