Wednesday, 27 March 2013

When Does a Touch mean Everything?

There are studies that show babies develop stronger immune systems when they are held and cradled immediately following birth.

So why do we think that changes as we grow older?

It really does hurt my heart to know that our society has perverted the idea of touch so much, that we don't know what good, pure, loving touch is anymore. I'm going to highlight some types of touch that are loving, show kindness, and help people heal:

  • A heart-felt hug - I'm not talking about the kind where you're afraid to touch people in the process, or you're truly afraid to let people feel your skin. I'm talking about the ones where your spirit wraps the receiver of that hug. When you give a hug out of pure love, the person may not be able to articulate the feeling, but the really do feel it. And, it heals the soul in the process.

  • Hold a face in admiration - look at the one you dearly love, and be in awe of their beauty and presence. Exchange no words, and just honour their presence. 

  • Reach out and touch somebody's hand - I couldn't help myself but think of this hymn I grew up singing. In the case where you're unsure of how a hug or face-hold would be received, simply holding someone's hand and exchanging energy, may be all a person needs to know they are listened to and appreciated.  
There are so many other ways in which we can show somebody we care, show them that they matter to us, and plain out give a damn about others... In a world where it seems like those small gestures have been forgotten, I'd like to see them brought back.

To touch is human. To touch with love, care, and acknowledgment of people is divine.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Who Died and Made You King?

Have you ever had people tell you what's best for you? Or tell you all the things that you should be doing?

Have you ever asked them who gives them the right to run YOUR life?!!!

Well, next time, you won't have to, as long as you remember these simple principles:

  • YOU run this thing! - you and only you are responsible for what happens in your life. Truth is that life will throw you whatever it wants to throw at you, but you always have the ultimate choice of how you view your life. Who is anyone else to tell you whether what you're doing is right or wrong, as long as you choose for yourself what your life is?!

  • Take "suggestions" with love - I've had to learn this one late in life. You know when people tell you "Why don't you do _________?". I now know how to have the courage to say "I know your comment comes from a place of love, but it's not for me. Thank you." It allows you to stand firm in your choice, and leaves no one diminished in the process.

  • Accept people for where they are, right now, in their own journey - not everyone wants to be uber-successful, be true to themselves, or wants to live a life filled with love, empathy, freedom and success... And That's OK! Just as we ask people to accept us for who we are, we also need to accept that if people choose not to grow, learn, expand their lives that's ok too. 
It always astonishes me how so many "interest groups" tell people who are entrepreneurs or corporate workers, are LGBT or straight, are vegan or omnivores, are religious or atheist, that they think that they are right and "the other" is wrong. At the end of the day, we'd all be better off doing what makes US happy, and letting others do what makes them happy too.

What "Why don't you do _______?" can you going to let go of today? Please share, because this is something that all of us can get better at doing. :)

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Rejection as a Blessing?

I had a dear friend teach me an invaluable lesson today.

Being that I'm a lifestyle cheerleader (aka wellness coach), I'm always on the lookout to help people. So today, when my friend came to me with an issue (they always feel as heaviness and sluggishness to my system), after a few minutes of me "coaching" he stopped me.

He told me that he stopped listening. AKA, I was being rejected. 

At first, I thought what most of us think in those moments. 


Then God and The Universe had me come to my senses and learn the following lessons:

  • Acknowledge the courage - first off, it's not easy to reject someone... EVER. It's also not easy to accept negative feedback with grace. For me to take it, and not go right into attack mode (which I have learned not to do), also takes courage to stop and listen

  • Move on, in a LOVING way - as soon as I knew he wasn't listening, I realized two things - he was open to moving on, but I also wasn't the one to help! When I usually do my work, I do minimal talking, so for the simple fact that I was doing all the talking, he saw that my work wasn't working! That fact makes neither of us wrong. What I knew is that I wasn't the one to help him, and that there are probably some of my other coach friends who could reach him. 

  • Pushing helps NO ONE - I have a purpose, and is to help those who need it, and who can get my work so that they heal. It helps reserve my energy to work with those who fit with me, and the same for him. No one is meant to properly serve everyone. So letting go of those who don't fit allows us to do our work with those who can be helped, and allows us to maximize our successes.

  • End all things in gratitude - before the end of our conversation, there was a moment of silence. After which I gave my friend a sincere and heartfelt thank you. Were it not for this interaction, I would not have the lesson that will benefit and improve my work with others. I honour him for being the space through which I received this lesson.
These same steps can be use for any form of rejection we experience in the future (and I say we, as I hope you will try this method out). Whether it's a promotion, date, raise, contest, client, gig, partner, remembering these things from either side of the rejection - the giver or the receiver - can allow you to honour your integrity and leave a relationship in a better state than where it started.

If you try this out, please leave your comments for what the situation was, and the outcomes, so we all can increase our learning! :)

Friday, 15 March 2013

I'm Upsetting Who?

I've had so many conversations recently with people who are worried or spending time thinking about others they have upset or made uncomfortable.

Here's some truth for you:

If people DO NOT have the courage to approach you about what you've done, FORGET ABOUT IT!!!

If YOU live your life by making it clear that people can be honest with you - you create the space where they can bring you anything! Therefore, if someone can't deal with healthy conflict - delete delete delete!

Keep in mind that I don't mean delete them from your life. What I mean is minimize  the time you spend with them, because they aren't bringing you value, nor can you bring value to them. 

Here are some quick tips that help you deal with passive-aggressive behavior: 

  • The for damn sure ain't thinkin' about you - if someone has gotten huffy and decides to get upset at you without bringing it to you, they're not being authentic to themselves or to you... So why are YOU wasting your precious time and energy worrying about why you've upset them?

  • Be about bigger things - when you live your life according to a higher purpose, petty arguments and fights become irrelevant... So you eliminate them from your life, and get on to figuring out how you can be of service to the planet instead (and folks, we need way more people out on this big mission!)

  • YOU run this ship! - that's right! When you remember that no one can DO anything TO YOU that YOU don't allow, YOU choose how you handle each and every situation. YOU choose to value yourself so that you have a voice and call out someone who's not treating you as you wish to be treated.  When YOU  know that you're worth the best there is to have in life, YOU NEVER let yourself be a victim in any situation.
Dealing with conflict surely isn't fun... and trust me, with all the work I do, I'm telling you, sometimes it gets real hard. Your palms will get clammy, you'll get pit stains from profuse sweating... However, you'll also get real, authentic results. The vibrancy of life is from getting amazing results.

Hope you remember this the next time someone tries to make you feel guilty. Foggetaboutit! :)

Journal What?

A friend made me realize yesterday that loads of experts sing the praises of journaling, but no one ever explains WHY

I'm going to explain why journaling is so essential to living a vibrant life: 

  • It allows you to let go - we walk around with so much crap literally weighing on our physical shoulders that the only way to let it go is to grant it space on paper, so that it can be released from your soul, mind, psyche. Whether you keep it, burn it, it doesn't matter - when you acknowledge it, you can feel the emotions related to the crappy stuff, so you can let it go. 
  • You can chart your successes and failures - let's face it, our memory can fail us at times. However, if you write down the successes, on those days when you need them, you can read about it and relive it again when the world tries to tell you that you suck! On the opposite side, when you fail or mess up, write down the lesson you learned, so that when you're faced with a similar situation, you can be reminded about what not to do
  • It's better than escapism! Think about it, YOU now have a document that can track your own personal growth. Imagine it like you being Tolkien and writing your own Lord Of the Rings novel, except you are the Hero/SHEro of your own story. YOU have climbed those mountains. YOU have achieved those accomplishments.... Trust me when I tell you it's better than any soap opera when the story is about YOU.
Try it out for a few weeks, and write down those major wins and fails that you have. For the wins, celebrate! For the fails share your lessons.

How about we share both?

You Got 99 Problems?

You know that stuff they call drama? Does it work for ya? I mean, does it really get you off your butt and taking care of your own life?

Wanna learn how to stop problems from running your life and turning it into one big mess?

  • Acknowledge it!!! - to turn your back on a problem and pretend it doesn't exist is like... sweeping up the dust around your house, for weeks and weeks and weeks, shoving it under the mat until it turns into a big ball of mess, having people trip over it, and YOU saying "Lump? What lump?" Admit to yourself, then OTHERS  (whoever you made a mess with) that you messed up. If you don't, you can never rectify the problem.

  • CLEAN IT UP!!! - that's right. Don't focus on the problem. Once you've named the problem, come up with tons of solutions! For instance, if you get a flat tire, you don't whine, and sit and moan about how bad the flat tire was. You call your insurance company, a friend to come get you, whatever you need to do to get you out of the mess! The whole point of this action is to get you to a space of ease and resolution so that you can move on with the rest of life.

  • Hold yourself and others accountable - when you do find that solution, especially when you're in a situation that involves other people, don't be afraid to ask people to make you stick to your word! Let's say you've promised someone that you'd stop being late for them. If you've held them accountable to keeping you honest, they can be empowered to call you out when you're not holding to your promises! Let them chew you out if you are late, and come up with a new solution that DOES work for the two of you!
It amazes me how so many people watch their friends and family members mess up, and hold their tongue to the messes they are creating. I don't do that. I speak my mind and call out foolishness where others are willing to be silent. I guess that's why I do my work so well eh?

What mess are you willing to clean up today? And be honest. I promise you I won't judge :) ... Oh, and I won't let you sweep that ball of dirt under the rug either!!! lol. 

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Too Busy to Eat Healthy?

Whether you're a busy young professional, new Mom, or an always-working entrepreneur, there are some simple things you can do to make sure you're still eating well, with a limited amount of time.

One disclaimer first:

Don't try to do everything at once!!!

Going from Junk Food Jane/Joe to Health Food Harriet/Henry overnight never happens, and is a sure-way to get de-motivated and stop trying at all. Use the following tips instead:

  • Subscribe to a home delivery service - do an internet search for an organic/local food delivery service, and you'll find that if you're in North America they're nearly everywhere. And if not, create a shopping list, and give it to your local grocery store - they want you're business, so they'll find a way to deliver to you! You can use the list from one of the food delivery services as a template, if you don't know where to start. Experiment with simple recipes and try to use all the veggies in the box!

  • Try a smoothie meal!

Don't try all three things at once. Pick one thing to do it consistently for 21 days (which is the time it takes to form a new habit), and chart your success and changes. Whether its an increase in energy, loss of weight, journal it, so that you can see what's happening as you change something for the better.

Feel free to share your success stories here as you go along, for even more cheerleading support! :)

Landing a Man?

I still hear so many ladies out there talking about "I can't land a man". There are MILLIONS of great single men still out there in this world.

I'm going to get real and tell you why you're not meeting men of substance:

  • Your checklist - must have this, can't have that... PEOPLE AREN'T PRODUCTS! Finding an awesome man isn't like going shopping for a car! People change, grow, morph. AND people aren't perfect! We all have idiosyncrasies and faults. Let go of the checklist, and find yourself first, because when you know and trust yourself, you can allow great people into your life, as they are

  • Great men are found, not made! - Great men are already great! If you're finding yourself constantly having to "fix" a man into being a good one, then ask yourself "Does my $h!t stink?". If the answer is YES (and it always will be), then who are you to decide what GOOD is?! Maybe he's just not a good fit for you, but he is absolutely perfect for someone else. Go find someone else! 
and on that note, since we're talking about finding:
  • OPEN YOUR EYES!!!! Great men are EVERYWHERE! Maybe he's not tall, dark and handsome, or making 5 million a year... But I bet you that short, stalky and kind-hearted man would love you 'til the cows come home! Stop rejecting a man just because he's not someone else's standard of beauty! If you find him handsome, and love his company, then what does it matter what anyone else thinks of him?!!! Sorry ladies, even the judgement of your best girlfriends doesn't matter here... :)
If you missed my post about the bad boyfriend poker thing, you can see that I feel media helps to perpetuate BOTH the low self-esteem of women, AND the emotionally constipated behaviors of men. It won't change until WE stop buying in to this nonsense.

Who's with me? Would love your comments and feedback on this one. :)

Who Say's Social Media isn't Social?

I sometimes hear people complaining that social media sucks. My response is always :

Social Media is a tool like any other - if you don't know how to use it, it's gonna suck! :)

So even if you're a social media novice, I'm going to give you some simple tools that will allow you to maximize the platform and stop it from sucking:

  • The New Chatrooms Are FUN! - My two favorites are on Twitter, using the hashtags #PoCchat and #PFWchat - follow the awesomeness that happens on those two feeds alone, and you'll be inspired for hours! 
  • Take it To The House - well, not literally to the house, but take the online friends out to coffee, do Google Hangouts with them, and really get to know them! At the end of the day, nothing beats person-to-person interactions
  • MASTER THE ART OF CONVERSATION - whether you're online or in-person, if you don't know how to how to start up conversations, or how to engage in another person's life, and how to be your unique self with people, you're not going to enjoy your life! Whether we want to admit it or not, life is people and experiences. Therefore knowing how to interact with folks makes life so much easier.
One day soon, I'll do a post about How to Start Conversations as a part two to this piece, as it's a question I get asked daily. 
Remember - a tool is only as powerful as how YOU choose to use it! Have fun today!!! :)

Be Like Water?

My homegirl and amazing personal trainer friend Trina and I always have a point of connection around the phrase

Be Like Water

 Here's my interpretation of what that means:

  • Be open to change - water in rivers just flows... it doesn't ask where to go, it just goes... It doesn't ask "why is there a dam here?", it reorganizes itself accordingly.

  • Be cleansing - water purifies the mind, body and spirit. When you interact with people, are you leaving them in a better state than how they were before they were with you? 

  • Be strong or weak, whatever is needed - water can change its properties very easily. It can be fluid, when it needs to work its way around things. It can be cold as ice and hard as a rock, when it needs to change the environment around it. Or, it can be hot and steamy, and warm up an entire room.
When you let go of needing to be in control of everything that's happening in life; instead control how you think of, manage and deal with life, the entire world around you changes! And what happens when things change? New things happen. That's what life was meant for.

If you were to be like water, what would that look like for you?

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Want More Money?

For those of you who may have missed it, we are now amidst a shifting of the planet.

The old way? Profit above ALL else!

The New Way:

People - Planet - Profit

What this means is that before you can ask the question "How can I make more money?" you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • How can I be of service? - the truth of the matter is that when you provide help to people with no expectation of anything in return, they want to help you in return. Not only do you become known as the generous one, but it also just feels so damn good to be nice!

  • Am I harming or helping? - really think about this one... that extra trip to the mall, that extra fast food stop, that extra hour of tv. Think long term benefit, not short term affect. I'm sure that when you think about this question, you'll see that extra stuff doesn't help anyone, especially not you... it makes life way more complicated than it really is. And it's an easy way to lose your hard-earned money.

  • What can I get and GIVE for free? - Smiles. Hugs, Handshakes, kind words. All of these things are always in abundance, if you choose them. These things are the true REAL currency of the world. And if you master how to give and receive these, the paper kind always comes next.
The one thing I always tell my clients to remember is that mastering these three key things does force you to get out there, stand out, and be around folks all the time... How else can the people find you who need you?!

As you're reading my blog, know that I write about these things because they work for me! And if these things can work for me, they can work for anybody :).

What are you going to give with abundance today?

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Give Away Your Best Work... For FREE!

The best business advice I ever got was:

Give away your best work... for FREE! 

Since I've started doing this, it seems like the payback has been non-stop. Here are some of the benefits of giving away your best work :
  • Detaching from expectation - when you give JUST TO GIVE, you never give to get. You give for that feeling of someone else benefiting from your expertise alone. When you focus on providing value to those who need your help, everything else becomes secondary, because there's no longer a "what's in it for me" twist to what you're doing.

  • You allow people into your world, and are allowed into theirs - when you are open and honest with people, you build up something called trust. This is one of the most important keys to becoming an expert, and someone's go-to-guru.

  • Your Karma Bank increases - what goes around always comes around. You get to help people who maybe didn't even know they needed help. You provide resources to those who couldn't afford you otherwise. The Universe LOVES people who do good. If you trust this mechanism, the good always comes back to you.
My clients are AWESOME in that they show me what faith truly is; I trust them to work for the results they want in their life, and they reward me with their results AND money. What can get better than that?!

What could YOU give away that can take your business to the next level?

Is the Fast Food Really Worth It?

I've begun to love when people tell me that they have no time in their day to eat healthy, and that fast food is easier for them.

Remember this the next time you reach for that fast food meal:

  • What are you REALLY exchanging for that few minutes? - yes, it might save you a few minutes by eating already prepared food instead of making your own... Or does it? Food that comes from a box or fast food place really isn't food, and will actually slow you down, making those few minutes you save truly insignificant... So in actuality, you waste time by consuming low-nutrient food.

  • Take back the sit-down meal!!! - my happiest memories growing up were sitting down with my Mom, Dad, and older sisters and brothers and spending time with them and hearing the stories of their day. Even now, I smile at the thought of those moments... Not one of those meals came from a box. Better yet, they were started by remembering making the meals with my Mom and sisters. They happen at daily in my home now because I choose not to live without that feeling.

  • Love In = Love Out - If you eat food that was prepared by someone's loving hands, there really is love in that food! This means that your body will be nourished even moreso than food that was made from a machine, or mass produced. Think about how much more effective you are when that love passes from your food to your body, then your mind!

  • Don't let those "meal deals" get you - you know those coupons that are 2 for 1? What's 2 x 0? ZERO. That's right. Two times zero nutrients is still zero nutrients. 

  • Real food really is cheaper! - try it for yourself - eating on a budget and making your own foods really isn't more expensive than eating fast food! I teach people weekly how to make simple, healthy and inexpensive meals, and have proved the naysayers wrong! Take that, crap foods! lol :).
I always tell people to beware of the labels for foods that you eat. I used to work in a chemistry lab folks; there are ingredients in the foods that society eats that I wouldn't touch in a lab without gloves, a mask, and full ventilation!

The simplest thing I tell folks is to buy whole foods, that you know what's in it. Your better off eating that carrot than that box of macaroni and cheese. Start with one meal first, then slowly start to add in the other meals. Don't feel you have transition over night.

The side benefit of doing this transitioning is that your clarity, ability to focus, and ability to achieve those things in your life you really want can skyrocket!

Please feel free to share your stories - either of how you transitioned to a healthier life, or where you want to get to! :)

What's YOUR Body Saying?

When I was recently in Jordan, I felt like I became the Queen of parlour tricks! I would be sat down in front of people, and asked to "read" them.

I'm not pyschic... (well , I am, but that's a whole other story).

I'm going to show you how to accurately read people in a few quick steps:

  • The health of their body - does their skin glow? Is their hair shiny and strong? what about their nails, are they white and strong, or soft and brittle? Physical well-being is always exhibited through the general state of the skin, eyes, hair and nails of a person.

  • The health of their emotional state - does the person have bags under their eyes? Do they have frown lines?  Is their mouth pointing down when they're at rest? Does the person roll their eyes and sigh a lot? These are easy ways to tell if a person "disproves" of people and things a lot and are clear signs they are living with stressed relationships. Emotional well-being is always exhibited through healthy or unhealthy relationships with others.

  • The health of their mental state - does the person cross their arms? Do you have to strain to hear a person because they speak softly? Do people use negative language about themselves - "I need to lose a few pounds", "Sorry I look so badly today". Does the person slouch, or do they stand straight? Mental well-being is always exhibited by watching a person's relationship with themselves.

  • The health of their spiritual state - does this person have an air of confidence? Do they look like they are truly happy? Are they comfortable in their own skin? Spiritual well-being connected to a person's ability to be their unique, divine purpose in life and shows it in their comfortability to just BE. It is also strongly exhibited by a person's connection the planet as a whole.
When you master this skill of reading people, you learn to get accurate readings about where a person is in their life in under 60 seconds. You can see why it can be so amazing right?
I'm not showing you how I do this so you can be the master at judging all of those who you come into contact with (that's what we're so used to doing!). I'm telling this so that you can master being empathetic to all those you come across in your life. When you can tell what issues a person is dealing with in their life, you actually learn to judge them less harshly, and learn to walk a mile in their shoes.

I do this entire process for a living. And I wouldn't trade what I do for all the money in the world. It's important that you know where my work starts from, and this is it.... and it always ends (well, it doesn't really end, does it?) with LOVE.

So now that you know what I see when I see you, what is it that YOU see in YOURSELF?

To Control or Not To Control?

Sometimes we all get stuck thinking that our life works a certain way, or is supposed to be a certain way... I always ask my people one question when they find that life throws them a curve ball :

How's that working for you?

I LOVE using this question because it's the only one that I've found pulls people out of the auto-pilot of living according to their "shoulds-coulds-woulds" and have them see what really is.

Here are some things to remember, the next time you start to think your life is a sham:

  • Control of your life is only an illusion - people who think they always have it together are fooling themselves. God, Allah, The Universe, or whatever entity you spiritually connect with is the only one who knows it all, or could even grasp it all enough to have true control. Remember that your life is a gift and no One owes you a thing!

  • Choose your THOUGHTS - this is the only thing that WE DO have control of. Whatever life brings us, we can choose whether we view that thing as a blessing or a curse. 

  • Like Attracts Like - ever wonder why happy people always hang out together? One happy person usually doesn't have to ask the other person WHY they're happy - they just GET it
I used to wonder why people made life so complicated... And then I realized that complications like control, drama, issues, allow people to keep buying things to compensate for the lack of love, happiness, freedom and joy in their lives.

I've been shown my purpose here on earth - it's to help people start breaking away the shackles of life that keep you from being who you TRULY are - beings of love and light.
 What chains are YOU holding on to?

It's not me... It's YOU!

This is where I detox those old rejections and let them go :).

Monday, 11 March 2013

Always the Nice Girl?

As I'm recovering from my cold, and reflecting on my life in general, I realize that there's one theme that keeps replaying over and over:

Why am I always labelled as the good "little" girl?

And boy, have I really hammed it up and played into that role. I've over-committed, bitten of WAY more than I can chew, and done soooooo many things that I've had no desire to do in the first place.

Can you relate?

 If you can't, then maybe you're a corpse somewhere playing to be alive... lol... totally teasing :). 

But on a real note, this reflection has allowed me to come up with some really great things that I'm now committing to use, practice and most importantly , doing my best to master right now and in the future. I cannot go back and change the past, so I'm starting from right here:

I commit to:
  • Saying NO more often - especially for those things in life that my gut is telling me to say no to... I'm going to STOP doing things I'm supposed to, and having fear of disappointing people. PERIOD.

  • STOP overbooking myself - as much as I love to be busy, having 4 weeks with no break is too much for my own body to withstand. AND, I can't be at my best when I'm tired.

  • Be honest about my friendships - this was a hard one for me to come to terms with... For people who I support wholeheartedly, I actually LOVE being a part of their lives and events. For people who I cannot relate to - their lifestyle, their values, their character - I really and truly have no interest in being around. It's not to be mean, it's a hardcore fact. Therefore, I am going to CHOOSE to be FULLY  THERE for those for whom I share a reciprocal relationship with - I help them, and they help me to grow as a person.

  • Cutting myself some slack when I fail - yes, we all do it. We are each our own worst critic. We cannot change the past, and we CHOOSE what baggage we carry around... I CHOOSE NO BAGGAGE. I will love and accept myself when I fail, and re-commit to being successful, and cleaning up the messes that I make.  
No one, including me, said that this work of living a light and freedom-filled life was easy. However, I do promise you that it becomes a fun, fulfilling and wonderful journey... I'm tingling with the freedom that comes from writing this post and getting this all out of my system!

Who's with me? :)

The Truth About Getting Sick

As I lay here in bed letting this cold virus get the better of me, I'm realizing there are reasons for this.

I know how I got here...

Yes, that's a very painful one for me to admit. But I'm going to admit it if it helps any of you to not ignore the same signs that I did.

I knew I was going to get sick because:

  • I was DOING too much - yes, we all need a weekend! I've been going 3 straight weeks without one, with no days off anywhere in the week. A sure fire way for your system to wind up hating you.

  • I was not taking time to rest - even when I wasn't "working", I was "working" (hmmm... like even right now! No, this is good work, then I'll go to bed...BAD GIRL). 

  • I ate too many treats - I've eaten way too many cookies, stuff with gluten over the past three weeks. My body is definitely rebelling against me for it now.
The truth of the matter is, our body gives us signals when it has enough. More than two weeks ago, I had a hard time getting out of bed, because my body needed more rest... I didn't listen. And the weeks of not listening finally caught up to me.

During this high flu and cold season, please don't do like I did - take time to rest, listen to your body, and if it means cancelling out a full day of meetings so you can take out some me-time, then do it!!! Your body will thank you. Your clients (well, if they work in the health and wellness industry, thankfully!) will understand. And those people on the subway who have to put up with you coughing and sneezing around you will have no reason to give you stink eye :).

Saturday, 9 March 2013

If You had $1,000?

So many people dream about winning the lottery before they'll think about the power they have NOW to create the life of their dreams.

I want you to consider something :

What would you do if you had $1,000 right now?

Here's a list of some things that come to mind for me:
  • Take a trip to the beach at a resort, maybe Mexico
  • Take a course to learn Arabic
  • Hire a personal trainer
  • Take a trip to a third world country and volunteer to build wells, create solar villages, for 2-3 weeks
  • Pay for a PR campaign to spread the word about my business
The point is that $1,000 is enough money to make your dreams come true. Why do so many people wait on the million bucks before they come alive?

AND the truth of the matter is that money breeds more money, just as like breeds like. So in order to attract it to you, you gotta live like you already have it!

You know what else helps money come to you? Taking the focus off of YOU and putting on helping OTHERS. Nothing brings about abundance in your own life like you giving some of your abundance to others. 

It's pretty easy to make $1,000 extra dollars these days, if you're tapped into what your purpose is on this planet. If you don't know how to do it, I'd love to show you how!

In the meantime, tell me - what would YOU do if you had $1,000 right now?

Friday, 8 March 2013

Bad Boyfriend Poker?

Not sure if anyone else has seen the posters for this in the subways in downtown Toronto. But it explains why I always hear people complaining about their men.

Where are all the POSITIVE stories about GREAT men?!!!

  So to the radio stations that think the only way to gain listeners is by promoting bad, unethical and inauthentic behavior, I'm posting a challenge to you today:

Create an AWESOME MAN POKER!!! I can give them my AMP STAMP :)

 If you do, I GUARANTEE to bring you at least 20 stories of what AWESOME MEN look like... Heck, I got way more than that to list!!!

My one ask for you is to leave it open to ALL men... Because AMP's that I know don't stay single for long :)  Cheers to Nawar, Jay, Dee, Ry, Bas, Moe, Brent, Ian, Bobby, Sean, Naz, Iain, Ariel, Steve, Trevor, Alen, Alex, Mark, Marc, Michael, Chris, Asier, Shahab, Alex, Stephen, Daniel, Randy, Ricardo, Roger, Jacques... 

See, this is so y'all know that I'm not bluffin' - There's 20+ men right there who get my AMP STAMP!!!  :)

Should Relationships Be Hard Work?

In society we've gotten used to thinking of a relationship being "hard work".

If a relationship involves daily arguing, fighting, especially over minor, insignificant things, is it really worth it?

I'm going to give you another possibility:

A loving, authentic relationship can really be like water; Consistently changing, and nourishing to the mind, body and soul. 

I have been in a loving partnership for over two and a half years, and I can tell you, that it certainly does not feel like work. Don't get me wrong - it doesn't mean we never fight... It just means that when we're feeling discomfort, we don't hide - we get straight to the root of the problem and solve it!!! In the heat of those arguments, the blood gets pumping, and it gets really scary. However, we both know that being authentic, and truthful about what's really happening is the only way to keep our relationship healthy and happy. 

Please don't buy into the stereotypes that tell you that all relationships are hard work. Choose a partner who helps you grow, who you can help to grow, who you truly enjoy the company of, who can make you laugh, who can make you cry tears of joy... And drink in that nourishing soul food :).

If you can relate, or if you can't - please comment! The only way we can change how the world runs is if we can learn to share our stories :). 

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Me?!..... Beautiful?!!!!

I have this quirky thing I do, in that I go up to random strangers and tell them how beautiful they are.

The usual response is:

{While looking around to see if I'm really talking to them}"You're talking to me?!!!"

YES, I'm talking to YOU!

Do you know how truly outstanding and beautiful you are? 

All the people I stop aren't "beautiful" in the classical, standard sense. They usually have very distinct features, come in all sizes and shapes, and its true that when I stop them, they truly don't hear compliments enough.

When's the last time you stopped someone to appreciate their beauty? Without expecting anything in return; this is not an excuse to pick someone up, but you acknowledging someone purely for their existence on the planet.

I challenge you to make someone else's day, purely for knowing that it feels good to see someone else smile. 

Please feel free to share your stories, as I love to hear what happens when people do this! 

The Power of Your Intentions

Be honest - sometimes we all feel like this....

Like we're a little kid, in a grown up world, and NOTHING in the world makes sense...

I felt like this even today, where my big bad goal of being on tv seemed to be taking FOREVER to reach, because I felt like there's these big hoops out there that I don't know how to jump through, nor want to.

And then I realized the power of my own thoughts. It's only difficult to attain my goal if I perceive it is! I got brought back to the fact that whether I think I can, or can't I'm probably right.

So here are my tips to help you remember the power of your own thoughts and words to help you bring you back to the original purpose and passions in your own life:

  • STOP making EVERYTHING so significant!!! - when we view the accomplishing of a goal the end-all-and-be-all, the fun, the freedom, the playfulness of getting there ends. Have fun with what you're up to, and remember that the ultimate fun is in the journey, not the destination!

  • Turn your goal into a GAME - this point is courtesy of my bro Ryan Coelho, who taught me that when I view achieving my goal as something truly fun, create a team that's working with me (like my Hot N Holistic Fab Girls!), and stop worrying about whether I achieve the actual goal or not, and do my best to just go for it, the entire process is AMAZING.

  • Ask for help!!! - yes, y'all may have seen my previous post about the art of asking. Many people forget that people help people achieve their goals. If you don't ask for what you want or need, how can anyone help you get it?!

  •  Tell Yourself YES I CAN! - I know, this is the hardest part of all of these points to master, however, it truly is the key to unlocking your own success... There is a whole philosophy around the power of manifesting your goals, that I'd love to share with you if you're truly interested in hearing how it works. In the meantime, I'm asking that you trust me when I tell you that belief in yourself is the key to getting people to stand up and take notice of you.
I'm writing this because as I go out into the world, and listen to people complaining at the table next to me in the coffee shop, hearing the stories about how people are being terrorized in their corporate office, and the countless other stories of people knocking each other down, I'm on a mission to continuously raise those I love and support up!... that means ALL OF YOU!!! Because I realize the power of my own words, I'm teaching thousands, millions to embrace the power within you.

Be kind, and uplifting to yourself today!!! xoxox :)

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

I am Awesome... Here's Why :

Thank you Chivon for writing an article that gives me a chance to slow down in the middle of the day and think of why I love myself so much. Here we go:

I am Awesome Because:

1.  I love people unconditionally, without judgement, and all the awesomeness that is them... ALL people!

2. I am a walking encyclopedia for most genre's of music (with the exception of house) - country, r&b, metal, classical, jazz, folk, pop... I gotcha covered baby!

3. I am the Queen of Meeting New People - on the subway, bus, walking anywhere along the street, I have no fears about walking up to a random stranger and saying "Hello", "You're absolutely beautiful", or "You have amazing style!". Love the unexpected reactions too, they get me high :).

4. I'm not afraid to try new things - going to a country where english isn't the first language, going to networking events solo, or learning sign language. All pretty hard, but how can I learn to master things without trying them first?

5. I treat my friends like family - why shouldn't the people who support me unconditionally, listen to me when I whine, help me get through rough and traumatic times, be treated like my brothers and sisters?! Shout-out here to Nawar, Chivon, Karlyn, Bobby, Ryan, Bas, Sophie and Renee here :).

6. I have learned how to say "I'm Sorry"... and mean it! - no one is perfect, especially not me. If I hurt someone in a relationship I value, I do my best to clean it up, admit I was an idiot, and allow the person respond, without attachment to whether they accept it or not. I am super-blessed; in nearly all cases, my friends accept, and our relationship deepens even further... Have I said it enough already that my friends ROCK?!!!

7. I am natural - from not having conventional chemical cleaners in my house for over 8 years now, to rockin' my 'fro every day, to only wearing lip gloss and lip liner (all natural stuff courtesy of Pure Anada btw) daily... Whatcha see is whatcha get :).

8. I am SCOTIAN!!! - gotta give a shout-out to my Home Province. I'm sure that part of the reason I'm so awesome is because I was raised in Halifax - a city that feels like a small town. We love, we laugh, we love drama (come on, if you're Scotian, you KNOW how much everyone is up in your bizness!!! lol). The last one is the only thing I had to let go of when I moved to Toronto... I've kept the rest :).

9. I master things, so that I can teach them to others -  I believe that experiential learning is the key to moving our planet into its new age and the solution to most of the problems we have now... So how can I teach others how to love themselves and love others if I haven't mastered the art myself? I teach so that I can consistently practice the art of living joyfully myself.

10. I am beautiful, inside AND out - this was the hardest point for me to get to, because for years I thought I was as ugly and non-descript as the pavement itself... However, after the years of work I did on myself, and letting go of the crap around me and in my life, I now see that I'm unbelievably, amazingly gorgeous. Gonna give myself a big hug and then a High Five!!! :).

If you create your own list, please post the link to it below, so I can share it throughout my network, and so others reading this post can see it too... We need more love and light in this world, so it would be my pleasure to spread yours around too!!! Don't be afraid to share your own awesomeness with the world!

Waking up from the Numbness?

Come on.... We've all been there. Not wanting to get out of bed. Having people talking to you, and you're not even mentally in the room. Sleepwalking through life and thinking "There's GOT to be more than this!".

Been there, bought that t-shirt.

Remember the last time you took a vacation? Let's say you were sitting on a sunny beach, feeling every last grain of sand as it went between your toes. Hearing the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach. Watching the colour of the sky, the water, the sand, seeing others walking along the beach too... Isn't that scene so vivid for you? Wasn't it magnificent? 

Well here is where I teach you some simple tips that help you to feel like that all day, every day, and wake back up to ALL of the life that's around you:

  •  Be aware of your awareness - This might be a funny statement, but sometimes with all the media and stuff we're bombarded with each day, we forgot what life really is : experiencing our 5 senses REAL TIME. Begin to notice the sky again... The sound of children as you're going to work. Stop to feel the softness of the petals of flowers. Heck, if it helps, keep a bowl of sand near your workspace for when you start to feel that numbness again! The whole goal of you being aware of how your body feels is to be aware of your feelings. It takes practice to be always in a state of awareness, but it helps to get the body to tingle all over again (yes, we should ALWAYS be tingling! :) ). 

  • Appreciate the small and free things - Yesterday, the kindness of two complete strangers made my day! One held a door open for me. The other told me I had awesome hair. These two things alone made my entire day! What things that people do for you out of kindness, without expectation that you may be overlooking? Heighten your awareness to moments like these.

  • SMILE!!! - For no reason at all... Just because you're blessed with LIFE! Think about it; The Universe, God, or whatever/whoever you credit for giving you life, is never obligated to give you LIFE. For that reason, and that reason alone, we have the opportunity to be thankful to get a chance to experience all the wonderful things listed above, and all the ones that YOU can think of right now!
Each and every single person born in the past, present and future is born to be an amazing treasure to this planet. Somewhere along the way, we all began to believe the lies media, television, toxic people, exes, and the other sources tell us about how wrong, bad, evil and mean, and worthless we are.

I'm on a journey to dispell all these lies!

Each of us is born whole, complete, perfect and worthy of love. Free from judgement. I teach people how to take back this power. And most of it, I do for free, because I LOVE MY LIFE and want as many people as possible to love theirs as well. 

You willing to fight for your life?

The Art of Asking

Watch me get real as I bask in the glow of watching Amanda Palmer being the master of her craft :)

Find It, or Earn It?

My dear friend, colleague and PR Guru Sandra posted an article today about the world's wealthiest bachelors. Each one has a net worth of at least a few billion dollars. It got me thinking:

Would I rather marry rich, or be with a man who gets rich WHILE we're in a relationship?

I remember my own boyfriend Nawar telling me about the Michelle Obama story , which pretty much states that she's a strong woman who would make sure her man KNEW how powerful HE was, and is.  Whether its a true story or urban legend, it certainly inspired me!

I believe any man, with the right support, encouragement, and strong partner, can become a millionaire/billionaire. I choose to be that strong, empowered woman who consistently helps my may rise to the challenge of conquering the world, with me right there by his side...

What do you choose?

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Q 2 You : Sharing In Nastiness?

Hello my Honourable Readers:

When you see this question mark, it's me requesting you to respond to a question I pose to you.

I'm hoping (because I see that many of you return - YOU ROCK!!!) that you'll indulge me, and let me know your thoughts on the issues I pose... After all, no one likes a one-sided conversation :).

Here's the question for today:

Q: Why is it that people (in general, of course) are so quick to share rumours, gossip of the stars, catfight videos, watch rivalry tv shows (like the bachelor and such) or links that diminish someone else?

Help me out here folks. I'd like to hear any of your theories! :) Sincerest thanks for your help :)

Will Money Solve the Problem?

I seem to be meeting tons of people these days who are sticking to jobs they hate, because they have a fear of becoming penniless, losing their investments, and just plain becoming homeless.

Well, here are some pieces of truth that might be a catalyst to you considering the million other possibilities for the rest of your life:

  • There is No Such Thing as True Security!!! - Life itself is a blessing, and it is by no means guaranteed... So why are you living each day as if you're entitled to tomorrow? This is not to say that you should become reckless, forget about saving money, or living carelessly. All it means is that you don't wait for that extra dollar, that perfect job, before you start appreciating the life you have... right now.

  • Happiness is in the NOW - Do you overlook life's small blessings like getting that green light, having a door being opened for you, or hearing the laughter of a child? If you're so busy trying to "get somewhere" that you miss the countless, priceless blessings in your path every day, the truth is happiness will always elude you. Be thankful for health if you have it, breath if you have it, a job if you have it, a house if you have it, friends if you have them, and family if you have them. These are basics to having an abundant life. 

  • There is wealth in moments - You know, like getting a call from a friend you haven't seen in months. In sitting down with your loved ones to a potluck meal. In experiencing the embrace of your partner. In having someone you work with say "thank you". When you shift the focus of your wealth from the accumulation of goods to the accumulation of beautiful, simple moments, you find that you don't need those "things", and no need to overconsume "stuff". 
I watch every day as I'm out in the city, how many people look down at the ground, instead of looking up and being in awe of the fact that we get to see a beautiful sky each and every day (no matter if its white, grey, orange, black or blue).

What do you see each day when you face the world? And how does this effect your view of what money can do for you?

The 3 Hour Work Week?

I hear so much hype about people wanting to live a life without working... However, unless you're making millions, or are a trust fund child, good luck on finding happiness that way.

Here are some great solutions for what you can do until you win that lottery:

  • Choose What You Love! - Although I put in many working hours, because I LOVE what I do, it's never work... I'm merely getting paid to put my joy into action. What's better than that?!

  • Create Your Ideal Work Life - Are you more productive with music? Or do you like to have a great view for inspiration? Whatever it is that makes you happy and allows you to create results, make it happen! You don't need loads of money or need a promotion; get creative with your workspace, and create a workspace that can at least mimic your ideal work situation.
  • STOP WAITING!!! - If you can't be happy now, you'll never be happy! Do not wait for more pay, that perfect job title, or that amazing project to come along to give you purpose at work. Create something that makes you want to get up in the morning, and gives you a sense of purpose... at work. The trick is to make that thing you create something that also gives value  to your workplace or your business.
Many people meet me and say how envious by the fact that I create my own schedule, and I do what I love day-in and day-out. My usual recommendation to them is forget about envy - create that same sense of freedom in your own life!

I know that up to 72% of North American corporate workers are unfulfilled and unmotivated at work. I'm looking to change that! 

Are there things in your way that prevent you from having freedom, joy, and creativity at your work? Share, and I can give you even more solutions. :)

Monday, 4 March 2013

Capsule #4: Dumbing Yourself Down?

Q: I feel like I "dumb myself down" so I don't outshine my partner. What should I do?


From Bruno Coelho (#TheRabbitWay):

How high will you fly in Life is determined by the wings of those you surround yourself with.

It all comes down to your standards and what are you willing to settle yourself for.

Instead of "dumbing yourself down" why don't you "lead them up"?

Above all else ask: what would LOVE do?

From Tash: You should never have to lower yourself to anyone else's standards. It means you lack self-love which demands that you always give yourself and others the best!

Be honest with your partner about how you're feeling, as they may not realize what's happening.

YOU make the choice to surround yourself with people who help you rise, and you help them to rise as well. If you can't provide value to others (which you can't if you're lowering your own standards), or others can't provide value to you, how are you ever going to be your best selves?

Saturday, 2 March 2013

The Keys to Being Hot

I'm asked quite often how I got to be so cute... And then my usual response is "if you only knew how much I used to think I was $h!tty it would blow your mind".


The road to getting there was hard, I shed litres of tears, and had years of battles with my own self-doubt.


I'll share with you some of my very simple (and did I mention FREE or affordable) rules that I used to literally turn back the hands of time for my physical self-beauty, and make my self-confidence literally unshakeable (well, some hours of shaking happen here and there, but that's a part of life!) confidence:

  • Love Yourself Unconditionally - That's right, love the bumps, scars, cellulite, bad hair days, whatever makes you human. Until YOU accept yourself fully, how can anyone else?!
  • Tell Yourself How Awesome You Are - Yes, I tell myself every single morning that I'm the bomb! lol... It's funny and strange at first, but boy oh boy, love then becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy to all the other areas of your life too :). 
  • Don't Judge Lest You Be Judged Too - Would you want anyone sizing you up, trying to figure out if you're "worth it"? How about giving people room to be themselves. When people are allowed to be themselves and feel comfortable being who they truly are around you, miracles happen - for them AND for you!
  • Feed Yourself the Good Stuff - Read your labels on what you eat... Better yet, eat mainly things that don't need to be packaged - fresh fruits and vegetables! If you can't pronounce it, don't wear it on your skin or put it in your body. Spend a few extra dollars on local and organic so that you save thousands in future medical costs.  
And most of all, don't seek approval from the outside world. Learn to be who you authentically are, as is. Me? I LOVE country music, love being a Linux girl, will stand up for the underdog, and continue to challenge people who make others feel bad... No excuses, no pity-parties, and standing true to my overall purpose on this planet. I'm here to help people HEAL themselves, and also to help HEAL the planet. Because I'm as certain of this purpose as the air that I breathe, I will allow no one to stop me from being who I was born to be.

That's what makes me hot. Confidence is super-sexy.

Remember that all of us - everyone past, present or future - crave two main things in life; love and acknowledgement. When you are a stand in your life for those two things, what can stand in your way?! If you know of some things that prevent this, feel free to comment, so we can dissolve those mountains :).