Friday, 22 March 2013

Who Died and Made You King?

Have you ever had people tell you what's best for you? Or tell you all the things that you should be doing?

Have you ever asked them who gives them the right to run YOUR life?!!!

Well, next time, you won't have to, as long as you remember these simple principles:

  • YOU run this thing! - you and only you are responsible for what happens in your life. Truth is that life will throw you whatever it wants to throw at you, but you always have the ultimate choice of how you view your life. Who is anyone else to tell you whether what you're doing is right or wrong, as long as you choose for yourself what your life is?!

  • Take "suggestions" with love - I've had to learn this one late in life. You know when people tell you "Why don't you do _________?". I now know how to have the courage to say "I know your comment comes from a place of love, but it's not for me. Thank you." It allows you to stand firm in your choice, and leaves no one diminished in the process.

  • Accept people for where they are, right now, in their own journey - not everyone wants to be uber-successful, be true to themselves, or wants to live a life filled with love, empathy, freedom and success... And That's OK! Just as we ask people to accept us for who we are, we also need to accept that if people choose not to grow, learn, expand their lives that's ok too. 
It always astonishes me how so many "interest groups" tell people who are entrepreneurs or corporate workers, are LGBT or straight, are vegan or omnivores, are religious or atheist, that they think that they are right and "the other" is wrong. At the end of the day, we'd all be better off doing what makes US happy, and letting others do what makes them happy too.

What "Why don't you do _______?" can you going to let go of today? Please share, because this is something that all of us can get better at doing. :)

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