Tuesday, 12 March 2013

To Control or Not To Control?

Sometimes we all get stuck thinking that our life works a certain way, or is supposed to be a certain way... I always ask my people one question when they find that life throws them a curve ball :

How's that working for you?

I LOVE using this question because it's the only one that I've found pulls people out of the auto-pilot of living according to their "shoulds-coulds-woulds" and have them see what really is.

Here are some things to remember, the next time you start to think your life is a sham:

  • Control of your life is only an illusion - people who think they always have it together are fooling themselves. God, Allah, The Universe, or whatever entity you spiritually connect with is the only one who knows it all, or could even grasp it all enough to have true control. Remember that your life is a gift and no One owes you a thing!

  • Choose your THOUGHTS - this is the only thing that WE DO have control of. Whatever life brings us, we can choose whether we view that thing as a blessing or a curse. 

  • Like Attracts Like - ever wonder why happy people always hang out together? One happy person usually doesn't have to ask the other person WHY they're happy - they just GET it
I used to wonder why people made life so complicated... And then I realized that complications like control, drama, issues, allow people to keep buying things to compensate for the lack of love, happiness, freedom and joy in their lives.

I've been shown my purpose here on earth - it's to help people start breaking away the shackles of life that keep you from being who you TRULY are - beings of love and light.
 What chains are YOU holding on to?

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