lol. For real, this week was filled with stuckness for me. And it was because I allowed myself to fall prey to something that we all experience in rare moments:BEING HUMAN!
Yes, that is what we are folks. We will never be perfect, nor should we strive to be. And after weeks of trying to perfect my programs, doing tons and tons of videos that just don't seem to be good enough, today I had my wake up call, that all that matters is to get out there and do it! We can always go back and improve.So here are the things that I used to get myself un-stuck, and allowed me to write this post, send my first newsletter in about a month, and get off my butt!
- Get over yourself - Yes, this is a hard one to do, because it's so easy to beat yourself up and tell you how wrong you are to not have completed everything on your to-do list. FORGIVE yourself, then move on to the big goals that you have in mind, that help others! Make your life all about helping others and that will kick-start you to get moving.
- Think about your wins - We all too quickly achieve goals, then don't take time to acknowledge our own accomplishments! I sat back and realized that maybe the reason why I feel overwhelmed is because I got that TV show I have been asking for, am getting the five-figure gigs I've been working so hard for, and have been landing sponsorship deals that I previously was only dreaming of. No wonder I've got to get a move-on my info-products! Reflecting gave me a new look at what I'm working on, and help me put pep back in my step :).
- Let go - Whatever happened last week, two days ago, or even yesterday is the past already! I do this really awesome exercise - when I'm in the shower, I visualize letting all my failures, challenges and issues of the previous day go down the drain along with the water. Try it and see if it works for you too!
- Gratitude - Each day, I awake to letters from clients, friends and loved ones letting me know that the work that I do is not in vain. This gives me more motivation to get out there and to not let challenges get me stuck!
The bigger your goals get, the more you want to achieve, the more obligations and work will fall on your plate. Please remember that you are human, not super-human, and its ok to feel overwhelmed every once in a while.
Then go out there and help the planet! We need you :).
Sending you Love and Light. xoxoxo!